2011. április 20., szerda

Liquibase support for Netbeans

Liquibase is a powerful, database schema-change management tool. Unfortunately, it doesn't have official Netbeans IDE support from neither the Netbeans team nor Liquibase.

Liquorice is a Netbeans plugin for integrating Liquibase into the Netbeans IDE and Netbeans platform applications.

The currently released, 0.2 version implements rudimentary support and concentrates on the most needed functionality.


  • Database connections stored in the Database Explorer plugin, so
    the developer doesn't have to separately maintain the registry of
  • Executing a changeset by simply selecting it in the File or
    Project explorer windows and call the execution from a context menu
    action. The database connection can be selected during the execution.
  • A formatted log is displayed in the Output Window about the
    execution of the changeset, so the developer is properly informed if
    the changeset execution has failed.
  • Custom icon for the Liquibase changeset files, so they can better
    distinguished from the ordinary files.
The plugin can be downloaded from here:

The plugin is based on the Liquibase and Database Explorer plugins so make sure you also install those (DB Explorer may be already installed since it is a base IDE plugin).

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